
Insomnia - a Drugfree Solution


Over 35 million people experience insomnia and related sleep issues to varied degrees. 

According to current estimates, one-third of all college students do not get adequate sleep. Physical and mental issues might arise as a result of sleep deprivation.

Insomnia and sleep issues aren't treated by doctors or the general public in the same manner as other "brain illnesses" like depression or the ADD-Autistic spectrum. We ignore this issue much too often, but many people take it seriously.

Some of these people already utilize a "noise generator" to aid them with their sleep issues, with different degrees of success. 

Outside noises can be blocked out using audio sounds like rain on the roof, a trickling brook, the sound of waves or sailboats, or even "white noise" (constant TV static). Any such noise maker might be able to aid with sleep issues including insomnia.

Many people utilize a number of medicines that are available on the market and that are widely promoted on television. 

Nevertheless, as has recently been mentioned in the news, these medicines also lead to a number of additional issues, such as sleepwalking, bewilderment, and even physical degradation!

Pay close attention to the precise wording of these TV advertisements, especially the "warnings" that the Food and Drug Administration mandates. Take note of the "weasel phrasing" that tries to downplay these dangerous side effects! 

They attempt to make such severe health issues seem "less dreadful," but this is just spin. No matter how they attempt to hide these realities, such medications can be (and frequently are) highly hazardous.

If you really take the time to hear (or read) these disclaimers, consider them. When you hear "a few" or "some users," most people automatically assume "that's not me," but what they really mean is that it might be you. 

Do you really want to gamble on issues that are treated so casually in these advertisements? Look closely at such marketing and twists.

Psychologists have been using EEG Biofeedback (neurofeedback) "training" for many years. In almost 85% of all cases of insomnia, it is quite successful. But, only the wealthy can afford such training because it costs between $3,000 and $10,000. (Medical "time" is never cheap.) 

In 2000, I founded a business that leased EEG BF equipment, which reduced the whole cost to roughly 1/5th of the industry standard. But even then, drug use was the only choice left for families with middle-class and poor incomes.

In 2004, I had the epiphany that subliminal messaging may potentially be used to achieve the same "brain training" results as EEG BF. To do this, I created an audio recording and recruited over 20 participants who trusted me enough to pay a price to take the exam.

The outcomes were variable. Although issues with sadness and insomnia were resolved, certain failures in the ADD/ADHD test population were discovered. 

I just attempted to repeatedly elevate one brain wave in the original audio. In the typical format, EEG BF enhances this particular one while also lowering or controlling another.

Another hypothesis I put forth in 2000 was that increasing this specific brain wave (SMR 12–14Hz) altered the brain's reaction to allergies and sensitivities. 

Some test participants indicated that symptoms unrelated to the mental issues identified also subsided. This demonstrates that my theory was on the right track. I knew full well that all of these "brain disorders" may be (and frequently are) brought on by allergic or sensitive reactions because I am an orthomolecular psychologist.

The test was completed in March 2006. An intriguing fact is that none of the test participants requested a refund. Our demand was that they finish the 8-week testing or get their money returned. The fact shouts success loud and clear.

This approach for auditory training is even more efficient! The "noise generator" is used as an audio overlay over a subliminal message that is audible only to the unconscious mind. 

While the calming noise generator overlay blocks out exterior disturbances, the subliminal training truly "trains" the brain in a manner akin to EEG biofeedback. Out of dozens of customers, this combination has already resolved every case of insomnia and other sleep issues.

Outcomes are more persuasive than advertising. Numerous volunteers who employed auditory training for more than a week or so were able to cure all of the volunteers' insomnia and other sleep issues (s).

Of course, insomnia is a sign of depression as well. Every single one of these situations has likewise been resolved, or at least partially resolved, by this novel approach of auditory training. 

One woman was able to overcome her despair and insomnia and maintain her mental stability even after receiving a cancer diagnosis.

The advantages of this system over EEG BF are multiple:

1.  It doesn't require expensive equipment - a simple CD player is all that is required.

2.  It costs a small fraction of the cost of EEG BF, and much less than the expensive drugs.

3.  No negative side effects whatsoever.  Positive side effects are that it solves some allergy problems

4.  You simply turn on the CD player, and go to sleep.  

Replace the risky medications with a less complicated, more economical approach to tackling these issues!

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