
Shoulder Pain?

  Discover The Solution

Pain in your shoulder can ruin your life. I should know, I suffered from a shoulder injury a while ago and was out of action for weeks before I managed to stop the pain.

I hurt my shoulder in the gym, and ended up with a sharp, stinging pain in the front of my shoulder, and a dull aching pain in the rear. 

Plus I couldn't do all the things that we all normally do during the day such, carrying shopping bags, wearing a backpack, reaching high shelves, even shaking hands was difficult!

But it's not all bad news. After weeks of research, I discovered that the best solution for pain in your shoulder is therapy. 

BUT, you don't have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars an hour on a professional therapist, you can easily do it yourself, at home, in your spare time.

That's what I did for the pain in my shoulder. I spent a few minutes every day going through a specific set of stretches and exercises and felt better almost instantly.

* Stretches - to loosen the shoulder, restore flexibility and range of motion and relieve pain

* Exercises - to promote healing, restore and strengthen damaged tissues and relieve pain

It really is as easy as that to treat and relieve pain in the shoulder. Sports professionals have been relying on therapy for years, as have medical professionals. 

The majority of shoulder injuries can be quickly resolved at home in a few weeks through some basic rehabilitation, just like I described above.

And it works no matter how old you are, for most injuries and types of pain, and even for long term (so called "chronic" shoulder pain).

The alternatives to physio are popping loads of painkiller pills for the rest of your life, expensive and potentially dangerous surgery, or just putting up with it. 

None of those options are very good, but home physiotherapy really is the best solution for pain in shoulders.

And that's exactly how I cured my shoulder pain. Afterwards, I wrote a book about my experiences, and documented everything 

I learned about the special stretches and exercises I'd uncovered during my research. Click here to get that book and use the same techniques to quickly resolve your shoulder pain today. It's easy!


Alternative Remedies To Back Pain That Work 

These days, a lot of people suffer from back pain, without findingany cure with orthodox medicine, maybe because of incorrect diagnosis or ineffectiveness of the prescribed drug or drugs, so the pain becomes a part of most people’s lives. Sad but truth in most cases.

However, for  a lot other people who have not been able to obtain a exact diagnosis of their back pain problems, seeking alternative means of obtaining relief has become their immediate concern. It is becoming a big problem finding solution to back pain with orthodox medicine, back pain treatments are no long yielding the results that are expected. 

So the none-medical alternatives are coming to the rescue as:

• Acupuncture: An alternative treatment for back pain that has been in existence for sometime now. From ancient civilizations of Asia, acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific parts of the body for the purpose of taking away the pain. Acupuncture has been proved to work for chronic pain. It has provided short term relief from back pain for a great deal of people.

• Massage therapy: The art of massage has been used for years as a tool of relief and relaxation. An experienced masseuse can massage the points of pain in your back, especially if it is caused by a strained muscle. People have been known to attain a state of painlessness after undergoing a well executed massage therapy. Some people argue that acupuncture or pressure point massage may be more effective than Swedish massage.

• Physical therapy and exercise: Under of a licensed physical therapist, you can stretch and exercise your back pain away. Exercise and physical therapy as a whole has been known to work well with chronic back pain sufferers than with acute back pain sufferers. Most back pain sufferers have also found relief from the education of the psychosocial factors of back pain.

You can end your suffering from back pain by finding a cure with alternative medicine because of incorrect diagnosis or ineffectiveness of the prescribed orthodox drug or drugs, so that the pain does not become a part of your life.

5 Big Reasons to Relieve and Prevent Thyroid Disorder - Article

Reason 1: The thyroid regulates the rate of energy production in the body’s cells. Thyroid disorder reduces the body’s metabolism and makes you feel sluggish. 

Reason 2: Thyroid disorder also increases your risk of degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis and your risk of widespread infection. In severe cases, the energy level in the body’s cells cannot even sustain a basic level of metabolism, creating a life-threatening situation.

Reason 3: One major problem with thyroid disorder is that it’s often missed in diagnostic tests. Even if tests show that you do not have a thyroid disorder, you might still be at risk. If your body is highly acidic, your risk of thyroid disorder increases. 

Reason 4: Thus, even if you haven’t been diagnosed with thyroid disorder, it’s important to check your body’s overall pH level and take dietary and other steps to reduce the acid level in your body.

Reason 5: You will not only reduce your chances of developing thyroid disorder or making an existing thyroid disorder even worse. You will improve your health overall and reduce your vulnerability to degenerative disease.

Accumulation of acids in your body, due to insufficient digestion of food, food allergies and consumption of acid-forming substances, can cause thyroid disorder. 

Acid-related causes of thyroid disorder also include exposure to heavy metals and toxic chemicals in the water supply and in highly processed food. When your body’s acid level rises too high, your thyroid function will be depressed and your metabolism will slow.

Lack of digestive enzymes, also caused by over-consumption of processed foods, further causes your thyroid disorder. Your body’s ability to neutralize acids is further reduced. As you get older, the more toxins you're exposed to, the more likely you will develop a thyroid disorder if you haven't already.

With a thyroid disorder, your body’s cells and organs will not metabolize as quickly as they should. The presence of excess acid only makes the problem worse. 

Your cells and organs will become overrun with acid that they need to eliminate, but your thyroid disorder will reduce their ability to deal with these acids. 

The acid, in turn, will perpetuate or worsen your thyroid disorder.
For example, a sluggish thyroid reinforces the digestive problems that cause acid to accumulate in your body. 

Because a thyroid disorder slows your cellular metabolism, it reduces your body’s ability to eliminate acid waste. The more acid-forming substances you consume, the more this cycle repeats.

Thyroid disorder also reduces your immune system function, leading to chronic infection. With the accumulation of acid in your body, infection will spread quickly, further reducing your body’s ability to neutralize acids. 

As with other organs, the thyroid needs glucose and oxygen to function. When acid waste accumulates in the bloodstream, these vital substances cannot get through. Without adequate oxygen and glucose, thyroid function is reduced. 

The resulting thyroid disorder further reduces the body’s ability to clear the bloodstream of these acids that prevent the oxygen and glucose from getting through.

Because thyroid discover causes so many other degenerative diseases, a thyroid that functions properly can restore health in so many other areas of your body. 

When you neutralize the acids in your body and eliminate acid-forming substances from your diet, you give your thyroid a chance to heal. Improved thyroid function will, in turn, help your other body organs function properly.

To neutralize acids and restore your body’s pH balance, you need to reduce or eliminate consumption of acidic foods and other acidic substances. Adding more alkaline foods and minerals to your diet can help restore thyroid disorder. 

As your acid level falls, you'll find that your thyroid function will increase. Your body’s metabolism will increase as a result, and you'll be able to neutralize acids even further. 

The end result will be restored health, higher energy, and a decreased risk of thyroid disorder.

Discover How Women Are Using This 30 Second Thyroid Technique To Switch On Their #1 Fat Burning Hormone And See A Flat And Firm Belly In Only 21 Days Without Starving Or Long Workouts

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